Qwetch x For My Planet are committed to the planet!
Alice is a journalist and documentary filmmaker. Ismaël is a journalist, author of children's books, and host of the discovery program Échappées Belles (France 5). Lovers of the great outdoors, we have explored the polar regions together as naturalist guides. It was in the face of the decline of Greenland's glaciers that we decided to create For My Planet in 2018.
What is For My Planet – Act for the Future?
For My Planet – Act for the Future is an association of active education in contact with nature. We give teenagers the means to commit to the ecological transition. Young people are actors in their mobilization through eco-citizenship actions, scientific expeditions to national and regional parks in France, and the conferences they give throughout the year. They thus become agents of change and the citizens of tomorrow!

What are your main actions?
The eco-citizen actions imagined by the young people of For My Planet are very concrete, effective and local:
• They transform their colleges by taking concrete action: building a chicken coop and a vegetable garden, setting up menus cooked with organic food, fighting against waste in the canteen, replacing paper napkins with cloth napkins, implementation of selective sorting, creation of compost, etc. ;
• They clean natural spaces with family and friends;
• They produce organic and local olive oil in collaboration with farmers that they sell for the benefit of the association;
• They create tote bags with fabric scraps;
• They collect hygiene products for associations (Secours Populaire, etc.)

What is the meaning of the partnership with Qwetch?
Our partnership with Qwetch is extremely valuable. It demonstrates the interest of the Qwetch teams in mobilizing the younger generation, but also the great confidence they have in us. Thanks to this partnership, we will be able to finance several educational programs across France, and thus respond to requests from schools. The next program, Protect Ice & Reduce Waste, will begin in September 2021 between young people from Toulon and Annecy on one side, and young Greenlanders on the other, with the issue of melting ice as a link .
On a personal level, are you involved on a daily basis in the fight to save our planet or against waste?
In our daily life, we implement classic eco-gestures (selective sorting, local and organic short circuit shopping, plastic reduction, etc.). We try as much as possible to buy second-hand, recycled or made in Europe clothes. Next step: set up a compost and buy an electric cargo bike to take our children to school.
What does this educational triptych consist of?
- 1st stage of this triptych: co-imagine and help middle school students to carry out a concrete eco-responsible project in their colleges.
- 2 nd stage: offer them a one-week expedition to the heart of nature accompanied by scientists.
- 3rd step: help them set up a conference (lasting about 45 minutes) and create communication media so that they can tell their story in front of different audiences (college students, retirement homes, companies, etc.) .
This educational program will also be extended to France and Europe as part of an environmental education program led by the UN. One of the themes addressed: waste, and in particular its treatment in polar areas.
From September 2021, young French and Greenlanders are mobilizing together to face the threats to their environment via the For My Planet x Greenland – Protect Ice & Reduce Waste program. An unprecedented human adventure between two different cultures, where the world of ice cream serves as a link.
More than just a bottle!
For each Banquise Polar Bear insulated bottle purchased, €2 is donated directly to the For My Planet association. The goal? Set up an educational program between French and Greenlandic secondary school students in order to co-construct an eco-citizen project oriented towards waste reduction.
A bottle illustrated by Gib La Manufacture, a committed artist from Lyon.
Gib La Manufacture is a young artist living in Lyon whose animal portraits are realistic and poetic. Having vintage skateboard decks as her favorite medium, she tried her hand at the insulated bottle and the result is chilling! The Banquise range highlights 3 animals of the pack ice: polar bears, penguins and whales. A biodiversity threatened by global warming and the disappearance of their fragile natural environments that Qwetch and Gib La Manufacture wanted to celebrate. Only the Polar Bear Banquise bottle is a shared product whose donations will be dedicated to the For My Planet association (the Banquise Baleine and Banquise Penchot bottles complete the bestiary but their sales will not be counted in donations for the association).