
stainless steel teapot

Brewing tea is a mythical art in some cultures. To take full advantage of its flavors and its health benefits, it is necessary to master the different elements that go into its composition. The quality and variety of tea, the amount of water and its temperature, the infusion time and the materials have an influence on the drink. In this respect, does the stainless steel teapot have any advantages? How to use and maintain it? Decryption.


What are the advantages of stainless steel teapots?

In the kingdom of tea you need a complete guide to find your way around among the different flavors and their preparations: green tea, white tea, black tea, oolong tea, yellow tea, in bags, in bulk, soluble…

The same goes for the multiple models of teapots. Between shapes and colors, handles and lids, not to mention the various materials (glass, porcelain, ceramics, cast iron, clay, earthenware, etc.). Let's dwell on stainless steel and the variants that this material offers.

Classic stainless steel teapots

To respect the organoleptic properties of tea, it is imperative to control the temperature of the water. But it is also interesting to dwell on the materials of manufacture of the teapot. Some varieties of tea are very fragile, such as green tea which will appreciate low heat conduction for low temperature infusion. Others, like black tea or red tea, require very hot water for best flavor release .

The stainless steel teapot is perfectly suited for high infusion temperatures, unlike glass or porcelain models which retain heat for a shorter time. To use a stainless steel teapot at medium and low temperature, simply prepare the water in a kettle with an adjustable thermostat.

Solid and durable, stainless steel teapots have the advantage of being resistant to shocks and falls. In addition, high quality food-grade stainless steel is an inert and memoryless material. It therefore does not retain the smells of previous infusions.

Nomadic stainless steel teapots

In the world of tea, there is also another object that delights infusion lovers. The nomadic teapot allows you to take your favorite drink everywhere with you to enjoy it at the office, on the move or even in the middle of nature.

It is an insulated container with a removable infuser basket that allows the flavors to diffuse, without letting small strands into the water. Nomadic stainless steel teapots have the advantage of being more resistant to shocks than nomadic glass teapots. On the other hand, they allow keeping warm for 5 hours and cold for up to 7 hours thanks to their double wall separated by an air gap.

The stainless steel teapot offers a practical and ecological solution to daily hydration with healthy and tasty drinks. A modern way to replace plastic bottles, industrial tea flavored drinks and disposable bags.

While classic stainless steel teapots play on variations in shape, nomadic teapots play on patterns and colors to multiply the worlds (tropical, animal, floral, etc.).

How to use and maintain a stainless steel teapot?


The nomadic stainless steel teapot allows the preparation of delicious teas, delicate infusions or even detox water. Like any other food utensil, it is imperative to clean the teapot before first use.

When there are several infuser baskets delivered with the container, the short filter is generally used for long infusions. It is suitable to pour your plants or fruits directly into the body of the teapot with hot water. The short filter is then placed before the cap and prevents pieces or leaves from passing through when serving.

The long filter is used for short infusions. After pouring your loose tea into the infuser basket, insert the latter into the stainless steel teapot for a few minutes. Unlike tea balls and portable infusers, the long filters of the teapots allow excellent water circulation for better diffusion of flavors.


Stainless steel teapots are easy to maintain. Just clean them with hot water and washing up liquid.

Stainless steel does not stain, but once in a while it is useful to do a deep wash. For this, pour a teaspoon of baking soda into the teapot filled with water. Leave to act then rub with a bottle brush before rinsing.


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Théière Inox

La théière inox est l'accessoire idéal pour les grands amateurs de thé. 

Quels sont les avantages des théières en inox ?

La théière en acier inoxydable est parfaitement indiquée pour les hautes températures d’infusion, à la différence des théières en verre ou en porcelaine qui retiennent moins longtemps la chaleur. 

Solides et durables, les théières en inox présentent l’avantage d’être résistantes aux chocs et aux chutes. De plus, l’acier inoxydable de haute qualité alimentaire est un matériau inerte et sans mémoire. Il ne conserve donc pas les odeurs des infusions précédentes. Enfin, les théières isothermes en inox, permettent un maintien au chaud de vos boissons durant 5 heures. 

Comment utiliser et entretenir une théière en acier inoxydable ?

Utilisation : La théière inox nomade permet la préparation de délicieux thés, de délicates infusions ou encore d'eaux aromatisées

Il peut y avoir plusieurs infuseurs à thé. Le filtre court sert généralement aux infusions longues et fonctionne comme une passoire et permet de ne pas laisser passer de morceaux ou de feuilles au moment du service.

Le filtre long est quant à lui utilisé pour les infusions courtes. Après avoir versé votre thé en vrac dans votre infuseur à thé, insérez ce dernier dans la théière en inox quelques minutes. À la différence des boules à thé et infuseurs portatifs, les filtres longs des théières permettent une excellente circulation de l’eau pour une meilleure diffusion des saveurs.

Entretien : Les théières inox sont simples d’entretien. Il suffit de les nettoyer avec de l’eau chaude et du liquide vaisselle.

L’acier inoxydable ne se colore pas, mais de temps en temps il est utile de faire un lavage en profondeur. Pour cela, versez une cuillère à café de bicarbonate de soude dans la théière remplie d’eau. Laissez agir puis frottez avec un goupillon avant de rincer.